Jesus symbolises love, unity-Balogun

Senator, who represents Ibadan South Senatorial District in the Upper Chamber, Dr Kola Balogun has said that Jesus Christ symbolise love and unity, calling on Christians and Nigerians as a whole to imbibe the lessons in the birth of Jesus Christ and adapt same in their daily activities.

In his Christmas message to Christians, Balogun admonished Nigerians to see the celebration of the birth of Christ as a time to demonstrate what the Saviour represented.

These, he said, included love, peace and unity among Nigerians, irrespective of religious, political and tribal differences, urging the people to come together for greatness of the country.

“This is yet another Christmas. My wife, Mrs Gbonjubola Kola-Balogun and I, want to use this occasion to congratulate Christians in particular and Nigerians in general in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“This is a moment when Christians from all over the world gather together, as individual families and groups to celebrate Jesus Christ, in love and harmony.

“However, we should look beyond the celebrations; we should seek to understand the lessons inherent in the circumstances of the humble birth of Jesus Christ.

“The Bible made us to understand that He sent to the world to cleanse and redeem us of our sins. We were made to understand that He sent by God Almighty in order for us to be saved.

“More importantly, God choose to have Jesus Christ to be born in a lowly place, a manger, instead of a fanciful hospital or big place obtainable during This period of birth.

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“The lessons inherent in this is that God loves us so much and, out of His love for us, He sent His only begotten son to save us. No love can be greater than this.

“More so, Jesus Christ had a very lowly birth by being born in a manger when God, in His infinite power, could have chosen that He was born in the palace of a king. This is a demonstration of humility.

“The lessons inherent in the birth of Jesus Christ must not be lost on us all, as we make merry today, being the Christmas Day. And what are the lessons?

“Jesus Christ epitomises humility, love, unity and peace. We all need to exhibit all these qualities in order for the celebration of His birth to make any meaning.

“I call upon the Christendom and the generality of Nigerians to key into these lessons and let them reflect in our daily activities. We must reflect these in our dealings with our fellow human beings.

“I also urge us to let these lessons reflect in our thoughts for our dear country. We should continue to pray for the leaders at all levels that God should guide them aright in directing the course of this country.

“My wife and I wish you a happy celebration. It is our prayer that the coming New Year will usher us into individual and collective national prosperity as we will continue to experience peace across the land,” Senator Kola Balogun stated in the message.

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