The Child of circumstance

Necessity is the mother of invention. The author of this English proverb is unknown; so there is no need to burn insufficient calories in search of its origin. What, however, is important is its relevance to thought.

During formal and informal debate, I felt no constraint to articulate that if I had seen the image of the media of today yesterday, I would have prepared for the revolution. Alas! I did not see the image, even though I should have imagined it, knowing the rapid speed of technology in breaking new ground.

I should have seen that the media industry would shrink to throw practitioners out of job, especially the rigid class among them. Now, here we are helplessly watching traditional media capitulating at the feet of the internet, the rampaging hurricane which is sweeping all in sight.

In the past four years, I had held a leadership position in the newsroom, a post which accorded me right and privilege to act as an interface between the management and my professional colleagues. I have listened patiently and with critical mind submission of the management on the state of the company and, by extension, state of the industry generally.

My takeaway from those experiences, with due respect, is that one needed to take his destiny into his hand before the destiny becomes elusive. Those experiences at a point transformed to necessity, which eventually birthed The

In other words,my painstaking study of direction to which the media is moving convinced me to register my presence in the new media space because the new media space is the new reality of our industry.

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The is essentially out to complement contents of other players with a view to breathing fresh angles to stories. Under the sun, there seems to be nothing new again but we are going to continuously make efforts to dig out the old to become new for reading pleasure of our followers without compromising ethics.

We shall provide a strong link between the public and public office holders to promote harmonious relationship in the polity. Advertisers of products and services are going to be accorded due respect to reach their clients in any part of the world.

The is not in competition but in the consolidation of the progress made in the industry. If we are going to compete with anyone or body at all, the body must be The itself. The inference here is that The is on its own world doing its things in its own way with a view to serving its readers with contents which would assuage their thirst and make them proud of their choice platform.

We are not laying claim to perfection, for only God is perfect. We shall, however, not going to take your faith in us for granted under any circumstance. Your pleasure is our pressure, our daily pressure to serve you better with juicy items you shall always look forward to read only in your darling The You are welcome to our world!


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