Since November 17, 2017 when its altar was laid, the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church (Sure Testimony of Joy) has been north-bound, even with change of name, message of which was received at a prayer mountain in 2018.
According to Leader-In-charge of the church, the Most Senior Mother in Israel (Dr) Prophetess Olubunmi Abigail Adewusi, “the name change occurred in a revelation the then leader-in-charge received at a friend’s prayer mountain.”
Adewusi confirmed that before the alter was laid in 2017, the ministry had started with a quarterly vigil in the previous year (2016) with the vision of feeding people with both spiritual and physical food to hold in unison their bodies and their souls.
Interestingly, this practice, she maintained, subsists till date, thereby earning the ministry more goodwill and followership and, indeed, respect of other denominations, including Islamic religion faithful.
After the ministry dedication, they were holding only Sunday services in the leader-In- Charge living room until Holy spirit instructed them to move out and save lost souls wandering about in the wilderness.
“To the glory of God many souls were saved at the area the church is situated, and even Muslims got converted and became active members. The vision of the church is to raise Christians that are filled with the word of God and Holy spirit and ready to stand firm at all times,” she recalled.
Adding, Adewusi explained, “the altar was laid in the presence of six other church leaders, and full church services began immediately. We hold our Shiloh service on Wednesdays from 9 am to 11am; our church vigil comes up on1st and 3rd Fridays of the month. Counseling holds on Mondays, Tuesdays (Bible study 5pm-6pm on Tuesday), choir and ushers meetings on Saturday 5-7pm.”
On progress attained by the ministry, the Ilesa-born offered, “God has proved Himself with the growth of the church both physically and spiritually; lots of founding members are still worshippers at the church, despite their relocation to their various property. And it is always great to see the love and unity the church was started with still be inculcated into the new members, even by the founding members.
“Most members have grown spiritually and with lots of testimonies; it is indeed a place filled with sure testimony. Teenagers and youths are not left out as the first children harvest was held last Sunday of July 2018, and the first adult harvest was December 2018. Those are the two anniversaries the church holds for now.
“As I speak, the choir, ushers, children and Daniel bands are the only bands operating. And to the glory of God, the church is marching on, and the gate of hell shall not prevail against it. I must not round off without this clarification. We are under C & S church movement worldwide also known as Mount of Possibilities Unit 1.”

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