To a UK-based social media influencer, Hajia Aolat Sule, every mountain top is within reach because, according to her, she is not given to throwing in the towel in the middle of life struggle. That principle has kept her on the track without looking back or sideways. Whoever looks back or sideways, in her candid view, may never reach her or his destination. In an interview with TUNDE BUSARI, she expresses happiness at her birthday on August 12, 2022 and thanks God for sparing her life. Excerpts
What is the significance of your 2022 birthday?
First, I thank God for His blessing to see another year in life. It is a day that requires celebration. It is a day that I feel awesome and blessed as many did not make it to their next birthday. Secondly, that my beloved mother passed on a month and a day to my birthday, makes it special even though on a sad note because I didn’t know she wouldn’t be around to share the day with me. But God, who owns all of us, knows the best. But I thank Him that she is not alive to mourn me.
How was your last one year?
No matter how tough my year has been, especially grieving my parents in the space of two years, on my special day, I feel relieved, blessed and happy. There is more to being blessed with another year in life because of the kind of world we live in now.
Can you expatiate on this?
You would agree with me that things have changed in scary ways now that one would ask if the end time is around. The rate at which people pass on can cause one depression. That is more reason I appreciate Allah and thank Him for witnessing yet another year in sound health.
Where do you intend to be in the next one year?
That belongs to God who determines my schedule. I may say this and that, but only Him has power to make them happen. The blessed new year is what is cetain now, nobody is guaranteed of what happens tomorrow. But certainly, I look forward to God’s blessings and more better things to happen in my life between now and my next birthday. May the start of my new year be magical!
How would you celebrate your birthday?
I celebrate my new year in a unique way. As usual, I offer prayers to God to show appreciation over how far He has taken me. Honestly, I feel blessed, and I want the world to know how blessed I am with another year. So, come 27, I may need to dance to glorify God in the presence of my guests from home and from outside the country.

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